Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just because it is "good for food" doesn't mean we should eat it....

If Eve had said that to herself instead of being deceived by the serpent how would our lives be today?? And isn't that the deception that we have to guard our hearts and minds from every single day. Oh, I can handle watching that show, it is just a show after all, I would never act like that! The list could go on and on about what we allow our hearts and minds to be exposed to. But we are lied to and deceived constantly. That is what Satan is best at. He gets into our heads, and causes us to doubt our thoughts, convinctions and even sometimes God. Things may seem good on the outside but if we go with instant gratification it will only hurt us in the end.

How many times have I been there, doubting if the path I feel God is leading me down is really the right path. How little faith I have, even though I can look back through my life and see amazing miracles, I still doubt. Lies can be so tricky and can even have truth in them, just not THE TRUTH.

I have been really convicted this week in my bible study to stay in the word, stay connected with God, listen to uplifting music, watch uplifting television, and most of all fill my children with the love of Jesus. To give them the shield they need to protect themselves from the lies of the master deceiver. Ethan and I sat down and read a scripture that was his daily challenge for VBS. It was scripture in Revalation talking about heaven and the city of gold. We had an awesome conversation after that, and I realize we need to do this more. I am going to end with a scripture I found I had underlined some time ago in my bible. I found while flipping to the scriptures we were studying. But I think it is helpful to what we have been discussing this week.

"He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him." John 7:18

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